Cove Homes Development Update

Cove Homes have completed the purchase of the Liss Nursery site in December 2024 and are now starting with the development.  Please see below details of the Letter about Tree works that need to be carried out and also the agreed access to and from the site.

Old Apple Pie Depot Site Development

For those of you that are interested Cllr Mike Steevens has given us details of two live camera’s that you can log into to see what is happening on site at the old Apple Pie Depot Development.

Below are links to the live cameras on site:

MOD Longmoor Safety Notice

MOD reminds public to stay safe and help protect Longmoor

The summer holidays may have come to an end, but many locals and visitors will continue to enjoy using the public rights of way around Longmoor training area for leisure and recreation.

As an area with an abundance of flora and fauna – including many rare and protected species – the MOD is keen to remind visitors and local people to respect and help protect the site, and help maintain the balance between military activity, public safety, and conservation.

Longmoor range and training areas are located to the west of Liphook in Hampshire with the town of Bordon to the north and the village of Greatham to the west. The 1,800 or so hectares of land consists of a mixture of lowland heathland, conifer and broad-leaved woodland, mire, scrub and acid grassland supporting a wide range of fauna and flora.

Much of the area is designated a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and forms part of the European designated Wealden Heaths Special Protection Area and Special Area of Conservation.

The Longmoor Range Danger Area (RDA) is used for live firing all year round. The public are permitted to access the RDA when it is not being used for military training as stated in the Aldershot and District Military Byelaws. It is not safe to access the RDA when the red flags are flying, or red lights are showing. Cycling is restricted to public bridleways.

The public safety message comes as part of Respect the Range, a campaign designed to raise the public’s awareness and understanding of the risks to personal safety when accessing military land. Risks to public safety can include live firing, unexploded ordnance (UXO), pyrotechnics and fast-moving military vehicles.

MOD land is primarily used for military training, and although visitors are welcome, the key take-away from the campaign is that you should only access MOD land when and where it is safe to do so.

Safety remains the MOD’s top priority and two key risks that the MOD is specifically keen to highlight are the danger from UXO and risk to life when entering areas where live firing and military training are taking place.

Dean Howard, the Security and Public Access Manager (SE) said:

“Longmoor is a popular destination for members of the public using the Defence Training Estate for open air recreation, we’d like to remind the public of the potential risks, as well as the actions they can take to keep themselves safe.

“Longmoor is one of the most beautiful parts of Hampshire. All users are asked to observe and comply with the safety signs and remain in the designated areas and on marked, cleared paths.

“When military training is taking place, there could be a risk to the public from live fire. Red boundary flags are flown when live firing is taking place, and we ask that people don’t access the Range unless the permissive paths are open. We also ask that people don’t pick up anything that they may see or find, but that instead they report it.

“If we all work together to use these spaces with respect and consideration, the public will stay safe, and our Armed Forces will be protected during their important training exercises.”

With a recent increase in mountain bikers and motorcyclists straying from the public bridleways, the MOD is asking members of the public to keep an eye out for people damaging the Defence Estate.  Leaving the bridleways in these areas on bikes or motorcycles could damage the fragile and protected habitats in the area. They ask that if you spot anything suspicious you report it to the local police on 101.

To ensure the public stay safe and protected while using military land, the MOD is encouraging all visitors to Longmoor to:

  • Always check training and live firing times before they travel;
  • Observe safety information including red flags, fences, signs and byelaws;
  • Stick to public rights of way such as footpaths and bridleways, and permissive paths.
  • Always keep dogs under control and in sight, and remember to pick up after them;
  • Report military debris for safe disposal; don’t touch it.

Local people and visitors who are planning to visit the area  are urged to make sure they follow the MOD’s guidance to keep themselves and their loved ones safe:

Planning Committee Meeting

The Parish Council will be holding a Planning Committee Meeting on Monday 12th August 2024  at 7.30 pm in St Johns Church rooms to discuss the following planning applications :

SDNP/24/01985/FUL : Thele Knapp Cottage

SDNP/24/02608/LIS : Swain Cottage

SDNP/24/03045/LDE : West Fork

SDNP/24/03004/HOUS : 9 Todmore

SDNP/24/02959/HOUS : 10 Bakers Field


Motocross / Trails events on Slab Common L1 Area

The Motocross / Trails events will be taking place on Slab Common on the following dates :

18th – 24th March and 5th – 9th April 2024.

It is expected that there will be 120 competitors and 500 spectators.


Longmoor Ranges Update – Re-opening of Training Areas

Dear all,

Just to confirm that as we have discussed training areas will re-open to the public as of 22 December and will remain so throughout the Xmas and New Year break. Thereafter it is our intent and desire that that we can return to the normal system of control measures that we had in place prior to the current phase of Operation INTERFLEX, the UK MOD package of support to our friends from Ukraine.

The aim will be that as before and subject to Byelaws the training area will in the normal course of events be open to the public on a routine basis with the exception being when areas are required for intensive training or when training of a particularly hazardous nature is taking place. In this event notice will be given on Parish websites as well as at access points by notice and sign.

Please note that this will apply only to Field Craft Training areas (FTA) and NOT our live fire Range Danger Area’s (RDA) where the usual system of flags , lights and gates remains extant.

On a final note we would like to emphasise that the coming to an end of this particular phase of INTERFLEX should in no way should be taken as an indication that UK support to the people of Ukraine is on the wane, on the contrary conducting the very intensive package of training that has been delivered at Longmoor during the course of the year has allowed us to concurrently develop more suitable facilities and at scale elsewhere.

I know that I speak for all my colleague’s at Longmoor both Landmarc and MOD when I say that it has been a huge privilege for us to be able to deliver such a high level of intense and quality training to the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) during this very critical time and we wish them well.  In particular however we would like to thank the community for the tolerance, support and forbearance which you have shown during the course of the year . You have enabled us to complete the task to maximum effect and ensure that the partner nation troops we have had under training are able to return to their homeland with the very best preparation for the very difficult challenges that we and they know lie ahead.

A Merry Xmas and Happy New Year

Mark Ludlow

Lieutenant Colonel (Retd) Training Safety Office. South East Region, UK Training, Defence Infrastructure Organisation, HQ Longmoor Camp

Pedestrian Crossing Survey

Vote here


We have been asked by HCC to survey the village to double check that the proposed Pedestrian crossing between the two bus stops on the Petersfield Road, close to the Pub is still wanted and needed.  If the village agree then HCC will proceed with its construction.

This will allow all residents to cross the road safely, at a point where the traffic can be quite fast, and it will also act as a speed reduction measure.

The survey is below.  We have asked for a Yes or No vote.  Please either put your completed survey into the Greatham Parish Council post box at the village hall, or email

or you can use the link below and go straight to a survey monkey page to note your vote or click the QR code

Village Survey pedestrian crossing

Defence Training Estate : Public Notice Update

Message from HQ Longmoor Camp

As you are aware we are supporting our partner nation in assisting them with training across the region.

As you can imagine this is a very fluid situation and changes are happening all the time.  It has recently been identified that the training areas we originally closed to public access have not been enough to enable the training to be completed to a high standard.

It is therefore with regret that we are closing off the Bordon areas as from 08.00 on Monday 10th July until further notice.

The LDTA M Areas Map shows M1 M2 M3 J1 and J2…ONLY the M1 M2 M3 will be closed to the public (Public rights of way will obviously still be open)….J1 and J2 will still be open to the public.

We thank you for your patience, understanding and support during this difficult time.

Village Maintenance Survey

You may have seen in the village magazine a survey asking residents about the maintenance of the village and how they would like it to look.  If you don’t use facebook, please see a website link that allows you to complete the survey online. You can also return the paper survey to us using the Parish Council Post box at the entrance to the Village Hall, or email the clerk with your response.


Defence Training Estate : Public Notice

Due to increased military training to assist a partner nation a training area will be closed to the public until further notice ( potentially to December 2023 ) Please stay on the public rights of way.  Your co-operation is appreciated during this busy period.  The area of note is Longmoor N2A and N2B.  To be clear, everything inside the thick blue line on the map is closed to the public (apart from the Bridleway).

Defence Training Estate map