Apple Pie Depot, Community Consultation

You may well have heard, or seen, previous information about the proposals for the redevelopment of Apple Pie Depot adjoining Longmoor Road.
The parish council have met with the developer and urged them to provide Greatham residents with an opportunity to view the plans in detail.
Equation Properties Limited are going to present their updated proposals to the community on Friday 22nd April, 12-3pm at the Village Hall. This is a drop-in event and we would urge everyone to go along if they can.
Equation Longmoor Invite

Equation Longmoor Invite

Roadworks on Longmoor Road starting 3rd February 2022

We have been notified by Hampshire Highways that roadworks will be taking place on Longmoor Road starting on 3rd February and lasting up to 3 days between the hours of 9am-4.30pm.
The work involves carriageway surface repairs in localised areas along Longmoor Road in preparation for proposed surface treatment during 2022.
Highways have advised that while the works are carried out, the road will be closed to vehicular traffic. Access for residents and businesses will be maintained wherever possible. Pedestrian access will always be available.
In order for the work to be completed as quickly as possible, Highways have asked that no vehicles are parked on the road on the days of the work.
Vehicles left on the road preventing the works taking place, face the risk of being removed.
Any questions about the works should be directed to:
Call: 0300 555 1388

Greatham Amicable Charity

This Charity was established many years ago specifically to provide financial assistance to those in need who live in the Parish of Greatham. We can typically help with:

  • paying bills
  • food vouchers
  • urgent repair or replacement of domestic items
  • school uniforms and school trips
  • unexpected or essential unaffordable expenses

There may also be other circumstances where the Charity can assist someone on a limited income.

Making an application – either for yourself or on behalf of someone else – is simple and it will be considered quickly and confidentially. The Greatham Amicable Charity is committed to being as inclusive and accessible as possible.

Application forms can be supplied in hard copy or electronic form and help is available to complete them if required. For further details and an application form, please contact Sarah Bettin – Trust Secretary – at 07721 646831 or

Alternatively, the application form can be downloaded using the link below:

GAC Application Form

£10,000 secured by parish council for traffic calming

We are delighted to let residents know that we have secured £10,000 funding from the South Downs National Park Authority to be used for highway improvements in Greatham.
We have been working closely with the Highways authority for many months on various traffic calming measures for the village and will be consulting with residents in the next few weeks to find out what you think about the various options proposed.
To find out how to get involved in the consultation, please watch out for updates here or message us via our contact page to be added to our mailing list to receive regular updates.

Greatham Parish Council objects to nursery site application

Greatham Parish Council’s Planning Committee recently met to agree their response to the latest planning application for 37 houses on the nursery site on Petersfield Road. The committee listened to residents views about the application before agreeing their response.

The committee agreed to object to the application as it failed to meet policies contained with the South Downs National Park Local Plan.

The full parish council response can be found in the attached document. GPC Objection Nursery Site planning application SDNP-21-04848-FUL 281021

Are you interested in trees?

We are looking to appoint a number of tree wardens in the village and are seeking suitable people who are willing to get involved in the local community.
Tree wardens are the eyes and ears of their neighbourhood and will be the focal point for any issues. They will act as the link on tree matters between the community and the parish council and can be the catalyst for getting tree projects started and supported.
Tree wardens are not expected to be experts and training will be given.
Many wardens combine tree warden responsibilities with another activity such as walking their dog so it should not take up too much of your time.
The main characteristics are looking for are:
🌳 Being professional and understanding that sometimes trees have to be removed for safety reasons
🌳 Genuinely caring for the environment and the trees in it
🌳 Be willing to learn and able to deal with people at all levels
🌳 Have a basic knowledge of trees
🌳 There is no age limit
Our tree wardens will get involved in any planting schemes, map trees in the village, offer an opinion to the parish council if work to trees is required and gather information about our trees.
If you are interested, please contact the parish clerk in the first instance by emailing or call 07873 891351.

Councillor Vacancy

Greatham Parish Councillor currently has a vacancy for a councillor. Please view this link for more information.

Vacancy notice 120821

Greatham Allotment Charity call for Trustees

There are two vacancies for trustees at the Greatham Allotment Charity. The purpose of the charity is to financially support Greatham residents that have found themselves in financial difficulty – this can be through gifts in kind or grants of money.

This is a fantastic opportunity to make a real difference in the community, the role of a trustee is to:
  • Be available to meet and consider applications as and when applications for support are received
  • Good communication skills and integrity
  • Act with discretion and protect the identity of applicants
  • Act with reasonable care and with the charities best interests
  • Ensure the charity is accountable
  • Good local knowledge
  • If an applicant is ineligible (i.e. not a resident of Greatham) help find other sources for financial help.
The parish council are responsible for appointing trustees to the charity so, if you are interested, please email the clerk at with a short summary about yourself and your skill set. 

Update on Lone Barn Farm, June 2021

The parish council have received an update from EHDC regarding the situation at Lone Barn Farm, Church Lane, as follows:

  1. A temporary stop notice was served on 21 May requiring building works to stop. We have confirmed from site visits that building works have indeed stopped and that the trenches that had been dug have been filled in. The temporary stop notice has now expired.
  2. As I explained in my emails of 21 May to residents what happens now the Temporary Stop Notice has expired is in large part down to the owner and how he chooses to move forward. His actions will determine our response but at the moment there are no building works to construct the barn taking place (and thus no breach of planning in this respect) and nor do we have a planning application submitted for the barn.
  3. In respect of the mobile home the enforcement case on this is open and evidence being collated. Myself or Sean Baldock from EHDC will provide an update in due course.

Waste and Recycling in Hampshire

Please see below link to a blog written by our County Councillor Russell Oppenheimer about waste and recycling in Hampshire.