Longmoor Military Training Area Closed: 13th February – 10th April 2023.

Longmoor Military Training Area on Forest Road opposite Riverside Walk will be closed between 13th February and 10th April 2023 to facilitate increased military training and partner nation support activities. There are no public rights of way on this area and no public access will be permitted. The troop de-bussing point and car park will also be closed to the public. 
It is not at this stage envisaged that this closure will impact the Woolmer Forest/Woolmer Pond live fire ranges and danger area East of the A325. These areas will remain subject to the usual restrictions and will not be completely closed – when red flags are down and no live firing is taking place public access will be permitted as before.
The Ministry of Defence wish to extend their thanks to the public for their understanding and co-operation in ensuring that military training is not disrupted.
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