Longmoor Ranges Update – Re-opening of Training Areas
Dear all,
Just to confirm that as we have discussed training areas will re-open to the public as of 22 December and will remain so throughout the Xmas and New Year break. Thereafter it is our intent and desire that that we can return to the normal system of control measures that we had in place prior to the current phase of Operation INTERFLEX, the UK MOD package of support to our friends from Ukraine.
The aim will be that as before and subject to Byelaws the training area will in the normal course of events be open to the public on a routine basis with the exception being when areas are required for intensive training or when training of a particularly hazardous nature is taking place. In this event notice will be given on Parish websites as well as at access points by notice and sign.
Please note that this will apply only to Field Craft Training areas (FTA) and NOT our live fire Range Danger Area’s (RDA) where the usual system of flags , lights and gates remains extant.
On a final note we would like to emphasise that the coming to an end of this particular phase of INTERFLEX should in no way should be taken as an indication that UK support to the people of Ukraine is on the wane, on the contrary conducting the very intensive package of training that has been delivered at Longmoor during the course of the year has allowed us to concurrently develop more suitable facilities and at scale elsewhere.
I know that I speak for all my colleague’s at Longmoor both Landmarc and MOD when I say that it has been a huge privilege for us to be able to deliver such a high level of intense and quality training to the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) during this very critical time and we wish them well. In particular however we would like to thank the community for the tolerance, support and forbearance which you have shown during the course of the year . You have enabled us to complete the task to maximum effect and ensure that the partner nation troops we have had under training are able to return to their homeland with the very best preparation for the very difficult challenges that we and they know lie ahead.
A Merry Xmas and Happy New Year
Mark Ludlow
Lieutenant Colonel (Retd) Training Safety Office. South East Region, UK Training, Defence Infrastructure Organisation, HQ Longmoor Camp