Update on Lone Barn Farm, June 2021

The parish council have received an update from EHDC regarding the situation at Lone Barn Farm, Church Lane, as follows:

  1. A temporary stop notice was served on 21 May requiring building works to stop. We have confirmed from site visits that building works have indeed stopped and that the trenches that had been dug have been filled in. The temporary stop notice has now expired.
  2. As I explained in my emails of 21 May to residents what happens now the Temporary Stop Notice has expired is in large part down to the owner and how he chooses to move forward. His actions will determine our response but at the moment there are no building works to construct the barn taking place (and thus no breach of planning in this respect) and nor do we have a planning application submitted for the barn.
  3. In respect of the mobile home the enforcement case on this is open and evidence being collated. Myself or Sean Baldock from EHDC will provide an update in due course.