Update on SDNP/21/00667/APNB Lone Barn Farm
Copy of email sent to resident 21st May 2021 providing an update on the above application:
Dear all
I have spoken to EHDC Enforcement this afternoon who have confirmed that a temporary stop notice has been placed on the works to build a barn at Lone Barn Farm. This notice lasts for 28 days.
The reason this has been issued is that the prior approval application was reviewed in some detail by the enforcement team who felt that the claim the land consists of 5 hectares (including land in Longmoor Road) was not accurate and therefore does not qualify for permitted development rights under the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 Part 6 Class A https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2015/596/schedule/2/part/6/made.
There are various scenarios that could still play out and the owner may choose to continue to build the barn in which case further action may need to be taken. A full stop notice may or may not be issued, and it may be that the owner now submits a full planning application within the next 28 days if he wishes to go ahead with the barn.
I’m aware that residents are keen to know whether the owners of the site can continue to live in the mobile home. My understanding is that they will be required to vacate the property as there is no building work taking place, but please bear in mind that this may not happen immediately. I have every confidence that the enforcement team are working through a process and will take the necessary steps to ensure that the correct outcome is achieved.
The parish council will be going ahead with our complaint to EHDC and the requests for information from EHDC and SDNPA as set out in my earlier email as we would still like to get to the bottom of how this issue occurred and to be absolutely certain this cannot be allowed to happen again.
Please be assured that we are in regular touch with officers at EHDC on this matter and we will pass on any news that we receive.
Jane Ives
Greatham Parish Council