Greatham Parish Council holds full Council meetings on the second Wednesday of every month at 8pm in the Village Hall. We generally do not meet in August but will hold an extraordinary meeting should an urgent matter arise.

Our Planning Committee meets on the fourth Monday of the month at 8pm in St John’s Church Rooms (subject to planning applications being received).

Please note that during the current Covid-19 pandemic, we are unable to hold face to face meetings. All meetings will take place remotely on the dates and times above. Login details will be provided on the meeting agendas or by contacting the Parish Clerk.

All Parish Council and Planning Committee meetings are held in public.  Members of the public are invited to attend  meetings as observers and may ask questions during a designated section of the meeting.

Archive of meeting minutes prior to 2011

You are browsing Agendas and Minutes for the year 2010

Select time period to view meetings from:
Meeting DateMeeting TitleAgendaMinutesOther
Mon 6th Dec, 2010Parish Council Meeting Download
Mon 1st Nov, 2010Parish Council Meeting Download
Mon 4th Oct, 2010Parish Council Meeting Download
Mon 6th Sep, 2010Parish Council Meeting Download
Mon 5th Jul, 2010Parish Council Meeting Download
Mon 7th Jun, 2010Parish Council Meeting Download
Mon 24th May, 2010Annual Parish Assembly Notice only
Mon 10th May, 2010Parish Council Meeting Download
Mon 12th Apr, 2010Parish Council Meeting Download
Mon 1st Mar, 2010Parish Council Meeting Download
Mon 1st Feb, 2010Parish Council Meeting Download
Mon 4th Jan, 2010Parish Council Meeting Download