Risk Management Schedule 2024Greatham Parish Council is responsible in law for ensuring that its financial management is adequate and effective, and that the Council has a sound system of internal control in place which facilitates the effective exercise of the Council’s functions, including arrangements for the management of risk.

We have Financial Regulations that govern the conduct of financial management by the Council and these can be found on our Parish Council Documents page

At every Parish Council meeting, approval is given for payments made during the month and all payments are later recorded in the minutes of the meeting. Additionally, bank reconciliations are carried out at the end of each quarter, verified by a councillor and recorded in the minutes.

From 1 July 2015 Parish Councils are required to publish information in accordance with the Transparency Code. The legislation can be found here.

Risk Management Schedule

Each year we review our Risk Management Schedule to ensure that we effectively management risk and prevent and detect fraud or corruption. Our current Schedule can be found here


The Council sets its budget each year in around December to comply with the deadlines imposed by East Hampshire District Council for setting the precept.

A draft budget will be taken to Council in around November with final approval given at a Council meeting in either December or January.

The budget will be published within the documents section on this page by year.

Asset Register

The Asset Register is reviewed and updated on an annual basis and the up to date Register can be found here

Accounts/financial statements

The end of year financial statements are published after year end (31st March) each year once they have been checked by an internal auditor.

The Annual Governance and Accountability Statement is approved by Council (usually in May or June) and then submitted to the external auditor, currently PKF Littlejohn, for review and comment.

Members of the public are permitted to view the accounts of the Council during a period for the Exercise of Public Rights, details of which are published on our website at the appropriate time (usually July).

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